Finally after 2 years of on and off binge watching, I finally finished what critics have hailed as one of the greatest TV shows of all time. And while the initial plot and dynamic characters kept me watching, their repetitiveness eventually dulls your interest and times can even make you question whether or not you should even bother continuing.

The plot of Mad Men focuses on Donald (Don) Draper, the Creative Director of Sterling Cooper, an Advertising Agency in 1960’s Manhattan. While the plot at first focuses on Don’s work at the agency, the show then shifts its focus to the supporting characters and later focuses on the social and work related issues that plague Don both at work and at home. What makes Don a great character is the charm that Jon Hamm radiates during the shows run. Without spoiling the plot (the following information can be drawn from the 1st episode), Don is automatically a character that you shouldn’t like. He’s an alcoholic egotistic sexist who constantly cheats on his wife, and yet some how you’re constantly rooting for him throughout each episode, no matter what we does.

One of the great things about this show is that it successfully captures the atmosphere of the 1960’s. From the decor, the fashion and the music, the attention to detail is astonishing and is very much appreciated in each and every episode. As mentioned, the show also touches on emerging social changes and major events that occur throughout the show. From the JFK assassination to the Moon Landing, each major event that occurs ties in perfectly to the overall plot of the show and even highlights some of the major themes that will occur throughout each episode. However detail isn’t the only thing that keeps you coming back for more. Opening with a compelling plot and interesting characters, the performance carried out by an amazing cast only adds to the greatness that is known as Mad Men.

However no masterpiece is without flaws. One of the short comings is that the show has is that nothing really new occurs with the Don. After a while the plot seems to repeat itself and it always seems that Don runs into the same problems over and over again. This can lead the show to become rather stale and can lead the viewer to become dis-interested in the show. In fact, the entire show feels like it should have ended during 6th or even the 5th season and this leads the final 2 seasons being milked. The show also does a strange job of just abandoning certain aspects of the plot and randomly brings them back up at the strangest time in the episode. This is most notable when the episode explores Don’s past and can sometimes lead to the viewer being confused as to what just happened in the episode.

Despite the few hiccups that the show experienced, Mad Men is still a fantastic show that manages to leave you satisfied and eager to start the next episode. With an amazing soundtrack of licensed music, and cast of surprisingly high-caliber actors, this is a show that everyone should experience, even if it’s just for one episode.